
The human right to health is acknowledged in several international documents. Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights assert: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services".
That health is a fundamental human right is obviously incontestable. Yet, access to healthcare is an issue that is becoming highly controversial, particularly when it is becoming tied to the financial status of the person, not to personhood itself. Those who can pay or buy private insurance can afford treatment. Those who fare lower on the scale find themselves having to plead or to remain untreated. What is the morale of the story? That poor people are not allowed to get sick? Medical care is expensive and treatment is not always available and at times is poorly available. Should we “mind the gap” as if it were an anomaly or correct the malfunctioning in the system?
That health is a fundamental human right is obviously incontestable. Yet, access to healthcare is an issue that is becoming highly controversial, particularly when it is becoming tied to the financial status of the person, not to personhood itself. Those who can pay or buy private insurance can afford treatment. Those who fare lower on the scale find themselves having to plead or to remain untreated. What is the morale of the story? That poor people are not allowed to get sick? Medical care is expensive and treatment is not always available and at times is poorly available. Should we “mind the gap” as if it were an anomaly or correct the malfunctioning in the system?
. تعترف مجموعة من الاتفاقات الدولية بحق الانسان بالرعاية الصحية.
فالمادة 25,1 من شرعة حقوق الانسان مثلا تنص على ان لكل انسان الحق بمستوى معيشي يضمن صحته وصحة عائلته بما يشمل الطعام والملبس والسكن والرعاية الطبية والخدمات الاجتماعية اللازمة
ما من شك ان الصحة من أسس حقوق الانسان , لكن الحصول على الرعاية الصحية اصبح امراً قابلاً للجدل وغير مضمون خاصة مع إرتباطه بالوضع المادي للمرء وليس بشخصه فحسب. فقط اذا كان باستطاعتك شراء بوليصة تأمين خاصة بالرعاية الطبية تحصل عليها. والاّ فإنك تُحرم المعالجة الطبية وتضطر الى التوسل في طلبها. هل المقصود هنا ان ليس للفقراء الحق بأن يمرضوا لأن الرعاية الطبية مكلفة وغير متوفرة للجميع ؟ وهل علينا مسؤوليته تصحيح الخلل في نظامنا ام ان نرضخ للواقع؟
Wow! The gap is there because we let it. Those of us who have money stop worrying about those who cannot afford medical treatment. The gap gets wider because of us. My concierge cannot afford to pay his medication. His wife died because she needed surgery and could not afford it! Life is cheap and leaders make sure it stays that way! School teachers in certain areas in Lebanon have recently been on strike because the have no medical insurance. The gap has nothing to do with education or work. It is there because the system sucks! Why does the system suck? because we allow it! Yeah! Why do we allow it? Because we are stupid and it does not affect us. We are selfish brats! So instead of going down into the streets for political reasons i think we should go down for more important reasons like this one! We are stupid people and this is why we will keep on dying and the gap will be bigger in time. I am sure if you open your ears you will hear stories that will make your hair go grey!
ReplyDeleteقليل من الاطباء هذه الايام لديهم حسن الاستماع لشكاوي المرضى وارادة حقيقية لفهم معاناتهم.
ReplyDeleteاكثرهم متعالون ولديهم نظرة فوقية ,يستهزؤون بالمريض مهما كان مستواه العلمي, اين الرفق بالمريض الفقير؟ اين الضمير المهني ؟ تخفيف آلام المريض تكون نفسية ايضاً بالتعامل معه برفق واحساس من دون تكبر وجبروت , ام نسي الطبيب انه ايضاً يمكن ان يمرض ؟؟!! كم من القصص حول اطباء سرقوا المريض بطلب فحوصات غير ضرورية من اجل كسب المال ؟ هذا حرام, هذا كفر. هذا استخفاف بحق البشر وكرامة الانسان وسوف يحاسبون. المريض ضعيف ولكن ليس "أهبل"! مع الوقت , كل شيء يصبح جلياً والحقيقة لا بد ان تُعرف ! من لا ضمير له, لا شرف له! اعذروني ولكني قد عانيت من اطباء تاجروا وتعالوا على البشر ولم يوقفهم أحد ..
هناك مشكلتان : مشكلة نظامنا الفاسد المفسد الذي حاول حكامنا الفاسدون المفسدون ان يجعلوه كذلك فنجحوا ومشكلة فينا نحن اذ اننا نتحمل جزءاً كبيراً من مسؤولية ما نتعرض له من ظلم ومذلة وإجحاف. تباً لحكامنا وسحقاً لزعمائنا الميمونين المفسدين العملاء اللذين اوصلوا المواطن الذي لا حول له ولا قوة الى أدنى درجات الفقر لتحقيق رغباتهم السياسية والانتخابية فجعلوه يتوسل على ابوابهم ليبيع كرامته من اجل لقمة عيش أو حبة دواء.
ReplyDeleteكان حرياً بهم ان يؤمنوا له دون منّة الطبابة والاستشفاء والحق بالرعاية الصحية إسوة بدول العالم المحتضرة والتي ندّعي اننا منارتها. كان حرياً بهم ان يهتموا بالانسان وليس بالصوت الانتخابي , ان يهتموا بصحة الطفل وبرعاية مستقبله لا برعاية
مستقبلهم هم .
المشكلة الثانية تكمن بنفوسنا نحن الصغيرة الضعيفة, كيف نقبل ان تصبح حقوقنا وكرامتنا سلعة تباع وتشترى؟ كيف نسمح بأن يستهان بلقمتنا وصحتنا وحبة دوائنا؟
اذا كنا نحن قد تنازلنا عن حقوقنا فأين الغرابة في أن يتجاهل حقوقنا الآخرون.
The morale of the story is that the poor do not deserve to get treated because doctors do not care! I was living in germany for awhile, you should see how they treat human beings (and animals also!) there.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is treated. It is not how much money you have. Here, you are worth your money. But what I wonder about is the doctors who have the eye to not treat you because you are poor! These are not doctors! I hope some day they will be badly treated also. They are butchers who treat us like meat. Insensitive and care only for money $$$$$!!
I have no respect for doctors or anyone else, who only looks at you for what your bank account is. I can steal money. Does that make me a better person? Does that make me deserve to be treated? To get medicine? Doctors and hospitals (not all but some) are like commerce.
God will punish them and there, money will not save them.
This is a sensitive topic. Is there a difference between rich and poor? We are allo
ReplyDeletehuman beings. But it seems that to some the difference lies in our pocket. Medical
treatment is a right that every has. But we have been reading in newspapers and hearing
in the news stories about people being refused treatment because they have not enought
money with them. They go from one hospital to another and then they die in the way. We
read and KNOW of stories where because some people do not know much , some doctors with no conscience see them as an opne bank and ask them for tests. My neighbour went to a well known hospital and she was asked to do a number of tests. When the results appeared, another physician told her you needed not to do them. He already new that her condition was fatal. Not only she was going to die, but they used her. This is medicine? You asked before about the fault of who this is? it is not only the fault of the doctor. It is our fault too. We must know what is our right, we must not be stupid and say "yes sir". We make docotrs gods by agreeing to use us like stupids. We also make them more human by reminding them that we are human being not dollar bills.