The human right to health is acknowledged in several international documents. Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights assert: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services".
That health is a fundamental human right is obviously incontestable. Yet, access to healthcare is an issue that is becoming highly controversial, particularly when it is becoming tied to the financial status of the person, not to personhood itself. Those who can pay or buy private insurance can afford treatment. Those who fare lower on the scale find themselves having to plead or to remain untreated. What is the morale of the story? That poor people are not allowed to get sick? Medical care is expensive and treatment is not always available and at times is poorly available. Should we “mind the gap” as if it were an anomaly or correct the malfunctioning in the system?
That health is a fundamental human right is obviously incontestable. Yet, access to healthcare is an issue that is becoming highly controversial, particularly when it is becoming tied to the financial status of the person, not to personhood itself. Those who can pay or buy private insurance can afford treatment. Those who fare lower on the scale find themselves having to plead or to remain untreated. What is the morale of the story? That poor people are not allowed to get sick? Medical care is expensive and treatment is not always available and at times is poorly available. Should we “mind the gap” as if it were an anomaly or correct the malfunctioning in the system?
. تعترف مجموعة من الاتفاقات الدولية بحق الانسان بالرعاية الصحية.
فالمادة 25,1 من شرعة حقوق الانسان مثلا تنص على ان لكل انسان الحق بمستوى معيشي يضمن صحته وصحة عائلته بما يشمل الطعام والملبس والسكن والرعاية الطبية والخدمات الاجتماعية اللازمة
ما من شك ان الصحة من أسس حقوق الانسان , لكن الحصول على الرعاية الصحية اصبح امراً قابلاً للجدل وغير مضمون خاصة مع إرتباطه بالوضع المادي للمرء وليس بشخصه فحسب. فقط اذا كان باستطاعتك شراء بوليصة تأمين خاصة بالرعاية الطبية تحصل عليها. والاّ فإنك تُحرم المعالجة الطبية وتضطر الى التوسل في طلبها. هل المقصود هنا ان ليس للفقراء الحق بأن يمرضوا لأن الرعاية الطبية مكلفة وغير متوفرة للجميع ؟ وهل علينا مسؤوليته تصحيح الخلل في نظامنا ام ان نرضخ للواقع؟